SquareSpace Policies

https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000851908-GDPR-and-Squarespace - <———- Squarespace GDPR Information

https://www.squarespace.com/privacy - <——— Squarespace Privacy Policy

https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002123427-Sample-messages-for-your-privacy-policy - These are their sample messages for Privacy Policies, and the same ones we employ. We will NEVER send you an email OUTSIDE of order related information or whats automated by Squarespace. We (USG) DO NOT send you marketing emails. EVER!!

Our Policies

Who sees your Information - Only USG Owners (Outside of the Square Space Privacy/GDPR Policies) see ANY Information. Thats Chilimeat and Panda in Discord.

What do WE do with it - We (Chili and Panda) do NOT Sell ANY Information, give it away, Download it, Allow Admins Access, or allow access to third parties. Everything Stays on SquareSpace!!

How do I delete My Information: I could not find any information from Squarespace on how Customers delete their data OTHER than this - https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/228036268-Permanently-deleting-your-account And whats in the GDPR Policy Document. The statement I found was the following: To request that we remove other data from our system, either your own data or visitor/customer data we store on your behalf, contact us at privacy@squarespace.com So im assuming that upon request we can have data removed for you. Please DM Chilimeat about this in Discord should you want data removed OR request it @ unknownskiesgaming@gmail.com