Newtonium can be purchased HERE
Please Note: Any newtonium devices you want to remove from your ship will turn into a block. This is to prevent repair to template from being exploited. To get a refund of newtonium please create a ticket in discord and include the amount you need back in the details along with your IN game Name!! A conversion sheet is available HERE.
If the server is set to wipe and you own newtonium dont panic!! The only thing you have to do if your newtonium is insured is dump all of it and request it back after the wipe is completed!! You can do so by putting a ticket into discord along with Newtonium Amount you expect back, Order numbers, and your IN game Name!! If you got newtonium as a prize it is considered un-insured!!
If you are a patreon Supporter: Every month you get a stipend of newtonium. After 3 months of subscribing you have that amount insured for a rotating 3 months. You ALWAYS get the rotating amount back after a wipe. Please keep track of this!! If you are a YEARLY subscriber just ditch all your newtonium after a wipe and create a ticket in discord. Inside that ticket please detail the Amount you expect to receive, your In Game Name, and your associated e-mail for patreon!!
You can exchange newtonium with a security Guard at the 405
Navigate the menu to select what you want to buy.
Make sure you already have newtonium in your inventory!!
Core General Devices
Core Repair Station - 2 Newtonium - A repair station that can go on any structure for repairing Items.
CORE Gravity Generator - 2 Newtonium - Universal MINI Gravity Gen, Can be placed on ANY structure.
CORE cockpit - 2 Newtonium - Universal Cockpit
CORE Trading Station - 2 Newtonium - Allows players to have a localized trading station.
CORE Warp Drive - 4 Newtonium - Works on SV/CV and gives 6000 LY Worth range.
NPC Core - 4 Newtonium - Universal CORE that works on any Structure. Gives unlimited energy/Stops fuel usage. O2 Depletion is also stopped unless power cycles.
CORE Production Equipment
CORE Furnace - 2 Newtonium - Furnace that can be placed on any structure/ship.
CORE Deconstructor - 2 Newtonium - Deconstructor that can be placed on any structure/ship.
CORE Constructor - 2 Newtonium - Advanced Constructor that can be placed on any structure/ship.
CORE Food Processor - 2 Newtonium - Food Processor that can be placed on any structure/ship.
12 Core Hydroponics - 2 Newtonium - Basic Hydroponics Package Usable on Any structure/ship.
Compact CORE Hydroponics Bay - 1 Newtonium - Advanced Hydroponics Bay Usable on Any structure/ship.
CORE Repair Bay and Console - 2 Newtonium - Repair bay and console Usable on Any structure/ship.
CORE Classic Constructor - 2 Newtonium - Advanced Constructor that can be placed on any structure/ship.
CORE Classic O2 Station - 2 Newtonium - Classic Pre-alpha O2 Station that can be placed on any structure/ship.
CORE Credit Services
Spend 8 Newtonium to get 250,000,000 Credits in game
Spend 13 Newtonium to get 500,000,000 Credits in game
Spend 25 Newtonium to get 1,000,000,000 Credits in game
Spend 40 Newtonium to get 2,000,000,000 Credits in game
CORE Rep Improvement Services
Spend 1 newtonium and you can max the rep for any faction
Spend 7 and you can max the rep for all
CORE Kit Services
Spend 10 Newtonium to get a resource kit of 25k (One 25k Stack of EACH resource) delivered to your inventory. Please make sure you have enough room!!
Spend 20 Newtonium to get a resource kit of 50k (One 50k Stack of EACH resource) delivered to your inventory. Please make sure you have enough room!!
Spend 10 Newtonium to get an Instant Spawn Kit (See kit description HERE)
Spend 10 Newtonium to get a Medical Resource Kit (See Kit description HERE)
CORE Tool Utilities
CORE Engineering
Sy-Co Tech/Talon Devices