Custom Skill Tree - Varminator, Alien NPC Block, Core Thrusters, NPC Additions, USG Blocks
PDA Images - More PDA Information HERE
Ultimate Engineers Blocks - Server Racks for SV - Available in the Skill Tree - 15 blocks
Ultimate Engineers Blocks - Alternate Building Blocks - Available in the Skill Tree - 31 blocks
Ultimate Engineers Blocks - Flora and Fauna Garden Blocks - 32 Blocks
Ultimate Engineers - USG Deco Blocks - 31 Blocks
Ultimate Engineers - Bar Blocks - 36 Blocks
Ultimate Engineers - Hades Blocks - Themed Constructor, De-constructor, Storage, Emblems, Skeleton Pieces, Furnaces, and Animated deco - 22 Blocks
Ultimate Engineers - USG Corridor Deco Blocks - 82 Blocks in Collection including floors, deco panels, corridor blocks, and special panels.
Ultimate Engineers Blocks - Custom Player Place-able NPC Blocks - get in skill tree - 9 Blocks
Ultimate Engineers Blocks - Server Racks for CV and BA - Available in the Skill Tree - 8 blocks
Ultimate Engineers Blocks - Shelves for server room - Available in the Skill Tree - 9 blocks
Ultimate Engineers Blocks - Power Blocks that improve power efficiency of a structure - Available in the Skill Tree - 5 blocks
Ultimate Engineers Blocks - USG Shipping Deco - 53 Blocks
USG - Pegasus III Galaxy
The pegasus galaxy has RE-2 and Star Salvage elements with our Ultimate engineers blocks. No Mass/Volume, No CPU, is modded, Has a refined set of config files in place, and a specially curated PDA specifically meant for multiplayer. Donating to the community gets you NEWTS, ships, faction planets and other items on this server.
ASTIC Scripting is enabled, Finish Blueprints instantly, Instant Max Level, 50k Stack Sizes
More details below
Locked Faction Planets - Available with Patreon or Webstore (There are multiple types. Temperate, Tropical, Alien, Snow, Desert, Jungle and Lava. Each has a Jungle Moon with it.)
Server Mall - Central spawn point to the galaxy - Alpha Station 405
Empyrion Server Config Settings
Server Mods:
/vb 1-25 - up to 25 Configurable Backpacks with Super Stacking Enabled. 10 Credit Each
/vb buy - Buy a Virtual Backpack (Repeat 25 times for all your VB’s
/fb 1-2 - Faction bank for sharing materials with your faction mates
/votereward - Vote rewards command. Voting can be done from IN GAME!!
/maxlevel - Bypass Levels Mod, auto adds points to skill tree
Custom Discord Bridge - Has Discord commands to tell you who is on, Posts login and logout information, and You can see in game chat in discord, talk to in game from discord.
/fe - Factory Extract Mod. Be sure to read the PDA for its instructions.
/fbp - Finish Blueprint with Credits Mod
cb:? - Chatbot Mods Built into EAH (This mod Written by Jascha of HWS)
cb:survival - Free Varm Armor, and 100,000 Credits for VB’s
ASTIC Scripting Mod - See ASTIC Scripts with a google search. There are youtube videos, and plenty of scripts available. Please see Steam - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2780629762, Mod Docs - https://github.com/GitHub-TC/EmpyrionScripting (Scroll way down for english), Forum - https://empyriononline.com/threads/mod-ext-empyrion-scripting-scripts.92458/
Admin Mods: /tt, /summon, /say, and more!!
Custom PDA Utilities in the F1 PDA - Vendors, Ore and Credit Exchangers, Mini Games, and more!
Custom Daily, weekly, monthly missions in the PDA
Scenario - Eden Reforged 2 (Modified for Multiplayer) By Ravienff and Vermillion
USG Pegasus System Mod - Server Mall (Station 405), CORE Items, Newtonium, and Ancient Gear
All mods Created or Re-Coded and updated By Chilimeat with the exception of whats included in EAH. ASTIC Mods are MOSTLY untouched as well with few exceptions.
Server Settings:
Runs Eden Reforged 2 - Heavily Customized for Better Multiplayer Performance
Supports up to 100 Players Max
Backpack set to drop inventory NOT toolbar contents (Helps you get stuff back)
Mass, Volume and CPU disabled
Alien core, NPC’s, Varminators, CORE Virtual autominers, and MUCH more are in the skill tree.
EAC Enabled
Player Progression: slow (/Maxlevel Bypasses this and auto fills all points to skilltree)
Degradation Speed: Normal
Radiation Temperature: Normal
Food Consumption: Low
Oxygen Consumption: Normal
Amount of ore: Rich
Number of deposits: Plenty
Constructor Crafting Time: Faster
Blueprint Construction Time: Faster
Custom Ship Weapons Config
Almost Entirely Custom PDA With Missions and Server Specific Information
PvPvE (99% PVE)
Custom Map With many Unique Areas, POI's, Instances, Special Missions and Activities (Eden Reforged Modified with MANY custom additions)
Class 50 in PvE
centrally Managed and Isolated PvP Area
Stack Size on EVERYTHING is 50k Max
3x Custom Skill Tree Tabs
Old School Items like Oxygen Generator and Hydrogen generator are Enabled
14 Custom Instances you can run with friends ANY time.
TONS of custom Items Available with Newtonium, or from In Game Events!
Over 40 Unique Ships Available in the web store
Locked Faction Planets (over 300 Pre-installed Orbits Available via Patreon or the Web store)
Locked Faction Solar Systems (10 systems in Total Available via Patreon or the Web store)